Anywho, let's get to the juicy details!
The trade negotiations kicked off last night with Chris and Stuart discussing what the other was interested in. Chris declaring that he was going to play a typically Chris deck while Stu decided to break the mold and go with Red/Green. This conversation though fruitful did not lead to a new trade but rather to Christos and Stuart having a similar discussion this afternoon. It was then that a deal was struck and the executed some hours later.
The deal was big with a total of 20 cards changing hands. While the details can be found on the spreadsheet the highlights of the deal include the only Rare (Coat of Arms) going to Christos along with one uncommon (Undead Slayer) and a collection of commons. Christos got Blinding Mage (a common) which Stuart insists "was a great pickup, one of the best commons in my opinion". Christos was overheard yelling "what the hell else do you want man, it is a common I am offering some pretty fucking good commons".
Stuart left the trade with a net increase in the number of cards in his roster. Some of his notable pickups include the possible game winning Overrun (uncommon) and the pesky Pyromancer (uncommon). His mana ramp also got a further upgrade with the addition of rangers, elves and rampant growth.
Both traders felt they got fair deals and both feel close to ready to start testing their constructed decks. Stuart has informed The Tournaverse Blog that he has in fact constructed the first version of his deck and it is playing well on 5 turn opening simulations. He is likely full of shit.
It is rumored that both players have been in conversations with Chris trying to hammer out other deals with a few high profile cards getting quite a bit of attention. We have been asked not to reveal too much detail on ongoing negotiations.
The other four players have been relatively silent on the trading front. When approached (on the street in the rain) Gavin indicated that the North Knight team was unlikely to begin trading until after the draft. Will their wait and see strategy work out or will the players with a head start have secured strong positions on their future decks? We will find out soon.
Thanks for your time!
P.S. Do we think some uncommon are so powerful (Sara Angel, Fireball etc..) that there should be a Rare and Uncommon draft?