Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Next Sealed

This Forum was made to discuss the next sealed set which we are looking for.


  1. I am 100% against drafting all these different types before we do our 2010 sealed.

    I don't know where the idea to do so came from, but I am completely against it. If I am the only one that is against it, that is fine, but I suspect more people on on the same page as me.

    If I knew that this is what we were doing in I would have kept colours that work with my white rather than keep a monochrome deck that will have no benefit with the new sealed... Infact I would go so far as saying that it completely screws me and benefits those people that had already decided this amongst themselves...

  2. sorry... I meant before we do our 2010 constructed.

  3. I don't know where the idea that it was going to be a '2010 constructed' came from!

    We've been talking about potentially doing Alara for a while - it's the only other tournament-legal edition that isn't about to rotate out. It's also fun and different, and I'm personally getting to find M10 both boring and limiting; we've sort of seen all it has to offer. I don't want the only possible foundation for a white deck to be that handful of soldiers, or for a black deck to be that pitiful selection of overpriced commons, etc.

    And I don't think this actually disadvantages you much at all. First of all, we'll be opening six packs, which is over half the amount of cards we already have -- so you'll have buckets of multicoloured stuff to make a multicoloured deck with regardless. Second, this means you can easily expand into any of the three three-colour combinations that uses white, instead of being bound to two colours from the get-go. It would make cards like Armoured Ascension a little less useful, but if they're still your best bet, you'll probably be able to do a constructed deck that's mostly white with a splash of whatever colour you have good gold in -- or if there really isn't anything that improves on your current deck, trade all the Alara shit we'll all be desperate to get more of in exchange for more mono-white.

    Anyway, it's not like this came out of nowhere. We were talking about an Alara tournament coming after (or before) this past draft as pretty much a given way back in July: http://tournaverse.blogspot.com/2009/07/updates-and-upcomings.html#comments

  4. Christos: Seriously, man: Alara has amazing mono-white cards. Take a look at these: http://magiccards.info/query/cards/6993488.html

    Angelic Benediction
    Aven Squire
    Battlegrace Angel
    Elspeth, Knight-Errant
    Gleam of Resistance
    Knight of the White Orchid
    Lapse of Certainty
    Martial Coup
    Oblivion Ring -- The best common in all of Standard right now
    Path to Exile -- The best removal card in all of Standard right now
    Ranger of Eos
    Scepter of Dominance
    Sigiled Paladin

    ... and a bunch more than I've missed. You seriously don't have to worry about not picking up awesome cards from Alara. Also, adding a splash of a second colour is really easy to do with cards from Reborn.

  5. Aw, yeah, those Knights..that Ring...

  6. If there is concern about the shards messing around with a 2010 constructed deck why don't we do one of two things?

    1) Do a 2010 constructed next get together rather than a shards sealed.

    2) Do a 2010 constructed after the shards sealed just don't put the shards from sealed into the decks yet.

  7. Now if you excuse me, I have a very long discussion with Chris to get back to.

  8. I don't know, Stu - I'm not sure how I feel about the viability of my constructed deck just yet, though, and it's been sounding as though others feel the same (or there wouldn't be such heated debate over whether to bring in outside cards to make deckbuilding easier, I imagine).

    I don't think Alara is going to mess things up all that much, for the reasons above. Is there anyone else who's bothered by the prospect of this sealed tournament coming before the constructed?

  9. I really don't mind either way. Really only one of us has expressed passionately the need to have extra cards and that is the same for this Alara discussion.

    I would invite Christos to explain clearly why he feels hard done by this Alara thought.

  10. Personally, I would prefer to have Alara cards before the constructed game, and I'm currently playing mono-green. The cards in Shards are simply more powerful and more interesting than what M10 can dish out -- multi-coloured or not. I also feel that Alara sealed is a lot more fun than M10 sealed.

  11. As far as I know, Shamus is also going for monoblack. So you aren't the only monocoloured player right now either, Christos.

  12. Large as they may seem,
    Petty are our quarrels now.
    We will overcome.

  13. In the spirit of fun
    and inspired by greatness,
    this is for Christos:

    Sight lets me see light.
    I feel great might in this light.
    Fight you I just might.

  14. Twice Christos lost hard,
    And not due to Overrun.
    I am just better.

  15. I once was lost,
    But now Im found,

    I was simply one light,
    with rainbows all around,

    I did shine bright,
    but in the gold was drown,

    The set of Alara,
    can suck on my crown.

    - David, you owned me LOL, I completely forgot about the conversation earlier, so accept that this was already discussed.

    - I do believe that there is significant benefit to people that are playing other colours, and although there are a few poeplw that claim to be monochrome, it seems that they have enough other cards in other colours to not be (that is not me or Shamus LOL, we are clearly prepared to be one colour)

    - The final point is that Alara is oriented around multi colour, with one set entirely gold. I'm not against it I suppose when brought to light that this was disscussed openly... I just regret that I forgot because I wouldn't have traded anything that I traded at the last draft.. I would have kept my Liliana and my doom blades etc.

    Chris when I have time I will think up a response to you lol

  16. (Haha, I loved it, Christos! Ok, back to proper communication)

    A new challenge next:
    Iambic Pentameter.
    Do try to keep up.

    (lol, this should be fun. How about from this point onwards arguments are given equal weighting for the points made within and the quality of the poetry used to present them?)

  17. (It will take me a while to get a post together in Iambic Pentameter, but it's coming)

  18. I say we do sealed;
    See how your new deck performs;
    Think on outside cards.

    (Some haiku advice:
    A fitting first line might be
    "Chris is full of shit")

  19. Chris is full of Shit,
    His loss was a very sure fit,
    then overrun hit!

    Yeah... Iambic Pentameter... is pretty difficult LOL

  20. Haikus are tough too,
    Or so you have made them seem.
    Count your syllables.

  21. Those that criticize
    should watch for proper spelling:
    Haiku is plural


  22. Leaves drift on the wind.
    Stuart obliterates Chris.
    A sound of applause.

  23. Well, go fuck yourselves,
    Fuck Merriam-Webster too.
    You're a bunch of dicks.

  24. I don't get it
    5 - 7 - 5
    Chris is full of shit - 5
    His loss was a very sure fit - 7
    then o-ver-run hit! - 5

    ? Isn't that right?

    So I just looked it up, although there is a definite split in o-ver when pronouncing it is not considered a syllable.. so I guess I did fuck up

  25. 1 His
    2 loss
    3 was
    4 a
    5 ve-
    6 ry
    7 sure
    8 fit

  26. LOL,

    yeah, Stu called me and pointed out very yesterday when I went home as well... not sure how I miseed that.., twice LOL
